As you may have heard, His Hamminess Ken Ham, pope of the young-earth creationist church, hosted a little-publicized back-and-forth with Bill Nye the Science Guy back in February 2014.
Though the science educator agreeing to participate in such an event was probably misguided, it did have the intended consequence of forever settling all debate regarding the validity of evolution, young-earthism and, of course, traditional fish sex.
Just kidding. Like most debates, the cringe-worthy affair was an entirely pointless waste of time, in which two guys talked past each other for an hour and a half, and everyone in the audience went home more convinced of whatever they believed before the debate started.
Fortunately, the debate is continuing. And there’s a small chance that it could be more effective this time around, since (as with any good sequel) there are a couple new characters in the cast. So, without any further ado, and thanks to the ever-talented David MacMillan, God of Evolution proudly presents Ham vs. Nye, Round Two.
On ham
On who was there
On human ancestry
On the cosmic microwave background
On contradictions
On stellar parallax
On the fossil record
On the flood
On biblical interpretation
On evidence
Well, have you changed your mind forever? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Tyler Francke is founder of God of Evolution and author of Reoriented. He can be reached at